Get Option Data from Yahoo with Pandas

[ option  pandas  finance  ]

This notebook shows how to read the option chain data from Yahoo finance with Pandas. Especially we will use pandas.read_html.

Import some Libraries

First, let us import some library

import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
from datetime import datetime
import numpy as np

%matplotlib inline
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [20, 10]

Get the Right Url

If we want to get Tesla option data for Mar 5th 2021 from Yahoo finance, we need to visit this url TSLA is the ticket name for Tesla and 1614902400 is the unix epoch seconds for Mar 5th 2021. So we have this function

def get_url(tick: str, year: int, month: int, day: int) -> str:
  """Get url for the Yahoo option chain table"""
  date = int(datetime(year, month, day).timestamp())
  tick = tick.upper()
  return f"{tick}/options?date={date}"

Read Option Data from HTML

Pandas provide a function called read_html which supports import data from web page. This is very convenient if the data you are interested at is well structured in the web page, e.g., a table. This function searches for <table> elements and only for <tr> and <th> rows and <td> elements within each <tr> or <th> element in the table. <td> stands for “table data”. The function signature is:

def read_html(io, match='.+', flavor=None, header=None, index_col=None,
              skiprows=None, attrs=None, parse_dates=False,
              tupleize_cols=None, thousands=',', encoding=None,
              decimal='.', converters=None, na_values=None,
              keep_default_na=True, displayed_only=True):

Some important parameters:

  • io: A URL, a file-like object, or a raw string containing HTML.
  • match: str or compiled regular expression, optional. The set of tables containing text matching this regex or string will be returned. .+ means nonempty string
  • flavor: parser of the table. Leave the default one
  • header: The row (or list of rows for a MultiIndex) to use to make the columns headers. Leave the default one
  • index_col: The column (or list of columns) to use to create the index. Leave the default one
  • skiprows: 0-based. Number of rows to skip after parsing the column integer.
  • attrs: This is a dictionary of attributes that you can pass to use to identify the table in the HTML. This is important and we will discuss more later.

Note, read_html only supports static page, i.e., javascript will NOT be executed.

attrs allows you specify the rules to match the tables in the HTML. For example, {'id': 'table'} means to find a table whose id is table. For the option table we are interested in, we should search for a table with class puts W(100%) Pos(r) list-options for put options or calls W(100%) Pos(r) Bd(0) Pt(0) list-options for call options.

So this is function we used to fetch option data:

def get_option_data(url: str, call_or_put: bool) -> pd.DataFrame:
  """Get the option data from table

    url: yahoo url
    call_or_put: if True, call table will be returned
  class_name = "puts W(100%) Pos(r) list-options"
  if call_or_put:
    class_name = "calls W(100%) Pos(r) Bd(0) Pt(0) list-options"
  df = pd.read_html(url, attrs={"class": class_name})
  if len(df) < 1:
    raise RuntimeError(f"failed to retrieve data from {url} for {class_name}")
  elif len(df) > 1:
    print(f"{len(df)} sets of data is found, but 1 is expected")
  return df[0]

This is the sample outputs:

Screen Shot 2021-02-16 at 10.33.01 PM

Process Data

We want to remove some outliers by filtering out the options which has very low volumne or open interest.

def remove_outlier(df: pd.DataFrame, current_price: float = None):
  """Some price of option are outlier and need to remove"""
  # df = df.loc[(df["Change"] > 0.001) | (df["Change"] < -0.001)]
  df = df.loc[df["Volume"] != "-"]
  df["Volume"] = df["Volume"].astype(int)
  df["Open Interest"] = df["Open Interest"].astype(int)
  minimum_volume = (df["Volume"] + df["Open Interest"]).quantile(0.1)
  return df.loc[(df["Volume"] + df["Open Interest"]) > minimum_volume]

Then let us plot the curve of strike price vs break-even price (strike price + option price):

def plot_strike_profit(df: pd.DataFrame):
  """Plot the strick price vs profit price (strick + cost)"""
  strike = df["Strike"]
  profit = strike + 0.5 * (df["Bid"] + df["Ask"])
  figure = plt.scatter(strike, profit)
  plt.ylabel("Strike + Price")
  xticks = np.linspace(np.min(strike), np.max(strike), 20)
  yticks = np.linspace(np.min(profit), np.max(profit), 20)
  plt.xticks(xticks, fontsize="xx-large")
  plt.yticks(yticks, fontsize="xx-large")
  return figure

Here we use 0.5 * (df["Bid"] + df["Ask"]) for the option price, as it is more stable than Last Price. This is the plot:


Or we could plot strike price vs option extrinsic value:

def plot_strike_extrinsic(df: pd.DataFrame, current_price: float, call_or_put: bool):
  """Plot the strick price vs extrinsic value

    df: option data
    current_price: current price of stock
    call_or_put: if True, this is call option
  strike = df["Strike"]
  # extrinsic = price of option if out of money or price of option - abs(strick - current_price)
  if call_or_put:
    extrinsic = 0.5 * (df["Bid"] + df["Ask"]) - np.maximum(0.0, current_price - df["Strike"])
  figure = plt.scatter(strike, extrinsic)
  xticks = np.linspace(np.min(strike), np.max(strike), 20)
  yticks = np.linspace(np.min(extrinsic), np.max(extrinsic), 20)
  plt.xticks(xticks, fontsize="xx-large")
  plt.yticks(yticks, fontsize="xx-large")
  return figure

This plot matches the Black Scholes Model described in my previous post.

download (1)

Some Useless Analysis

I also tried whether I could fit some lines to the curve of strike price vs break-even price.

download (2)

Here is the code.

def fit_line_ransac(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, error_threshold: float = 1e-3, convergence: float =  0.9, max_iterations: int = 10, initial_sample_size=10):
  """Fit line via ransac"""
  number_data =
  sample_size = initial_sample_size
  best_quality = 0.0
  best_line = None
  for i in range(max_iterations):
    # random sample the points as initial seed
    sampled_indices = np.random.choice(number_data, sample_size)
    last_quality = 0.0
    while True:
      # fit a curve and find how many points lands on this curve
      line = np.polyfit(x[sampled_indices], y[sampled_indices], 1)
      error = np.abs(y - (line[0] * x + line[1])) / (np.abs(y) + 1e-3)
      sampled_indices = np.where(error <= error_threshold)[0]
      fit_quality = np.sum(error <= error_threshold) / number_data
      if fit_quality - last_quality <= 1e-3:
        # no more new points fitted to this curve
      if sampled_indices.shape[0] < initial_sample_size:
        # too less points lands on the curve
      # refine the curve with all the points on this curve for robustness
      last_quality = fit_quality
    # print(f"Fit result at {i} iterations: {fit_quality * 100}% of data points fits to {line}")
    if last_quality > best_quality:
      best_line = line
      best_quality = last_quality
    # if most points fit to this curve, then we have found a good curve
    # otherwise, try with a new random seed
    if fit_quality >= convergence:
  print(f"Best result: {best_quality * 100}% of data points fits to {best_line}")
  return line

def detect_ankle_point(df: pd.DataFrame, current_price: float = None, error_threshold: float = 1e-3):
  """Fit two linear curve and find where it intersects"""
  number_data = len(df)
  strike = np.array(df["Strike"])
  profit = np.array(df["Strike"] + 0.5 * (df["Bid"] + df["Ask"]))

  # first curve for bottom 25% of points
  if current_price is None:
    x = strike[:number_data // 4]
    y = profit[:number_data // 4]
    x = strike[strike <= current_price * 0.9]
    y = profit[strike <= current_price * 0.9]
  line1 = fit_line_ransac(x, y, error_threshold=error_threshold)
  x = strike[[0, -1]]
  y = line1[0] * x + line1[1]
  plt.plot(x, y, color="r", linewidth=2)

  # second curve for top 25% of points
  if current_price is None:
    x = strike[-(number_data // 4):]
    y = profit[-(number_data // 4):]
    x = strike[strike >= current_price * 1.1]
    y = profit[strike >= current_price * 1.1]
  line2 = fit_line_ransac(x, y, error_threshold=error_threshold)
  x = strike[[0, -1]]
  y = line2[0] * x + line2[1]
  plt.plot(x, y, color="g", linewidth=2)

  # find the intersection
  x = (line2[1] - line1[1]) / (line1[0] - line2[0])
  y = line1[0] * x + line1[1]
  plt.annotate(f"{x:.0f}, {y:.0f}", (x, y), fontsize="xx-large")

  # change axis
  plt.xlim(strike[[0, -1]] * np.asarray([0.95, 1.05]))
  plt.ylim(profit[[0, -1]] * np.asarray([0.95, 1.05]))
    f"{line1[0]} * strick + {line1[1]}",
    f"{line2[0]} * strick + {line2[1]}",
    "Strike vs Strick + Price",
  ], fontsize="xx-large")
  return line1, line2, (x, y)
Written on February 16, 2021