Weather Station and Photo Frame from InkPlate 10
inkplate_weather_photo includes code for building a weather station and photo frame from Inkplate 10.
Experienced Computer Vision and Machine Learning Engineer
inkplate_weather_photo includes code for building a weather station and photo frame from Inkplate 10.
Neural Lumigraph Rendering was accepted for CVPR 2021 Oral and best paper candidate. This paper proposes a method which performs on par with NeRF on view interpolation tasks while providing a high-quality 3D surface that can be directly exported for real-time rendering at test time. code is publically available.
NeX: Real-time View Synthesis with Neural Basis Expansion is paper from a group from Thailand and was accepted for CVPR 2021 Oral and best paper candidate. This paper proposes a method of synthesizing views from multiplane images, which is real time with view-dependent effects such as the reflection. The code is published is as well.
GeoSim: Realistic Video Simulation via Geometry-Aware Composition for Self-Driving is paper from Uber ATG and was accepted for CVPR 2021 Oral and best paper candidate. This paper proposes a method of rendering videos which is realistic not in image quality but also in physical feasibilty.
This is the list of CVPR 2021 best paper candidates. Quite some of them are related to differental rendering or synthetic data.
Securities-Based Lending or 股权质押 refers to the practice of making loans using securities as collateral. Securities-based lending provides ready access to capital that can be used for almost any purpose such as buying real estate, purchasing property like jewelry or a sports car, or investing in a business. The only restrictions to this kind of lending are other securities-based transactions like buying shares or repaying a margin loan.
This is my literature survey of landmark detection and 3D reconstruction for cat and dog’s face.
This is my reading note for Residual Parameter Transfer for Deep Domain Adaptation, which is for domain adaption. Different from existing methods, which mostly aims to learn a network to adpat the (feature) of target domain to the source domain, this paper learns a transform on the parameters of network trained on source domain to the network for the target domain.
This post we studies the profit of call options for different strike price and price change. The goal is for the given current price and volacity level, expiration date and ticket, find the most profitable strike price for different future price change. Please read Option Pricing Model for background knowledge the option pricing.
This is the my reading list of papers on domain adaption. This list is based on paperswithcode